Bio & CV

Perception in today's fast-paced world is made of flash moments, snippers of film and fotographs that are somehow logically pieced togetherin our minds.  Mixed media techniques, collage and object art, dividing, tearing, cutting, rearranging, assambling and fixing, come very close to the perception, combine basic art positions and have become defining approaches to contempirary art. 

The desire to destroy and dismantle entrenched positions merges with the creative joy of creating something fantastic, surreal and unexpected.

Born into a Ukrainian family of artists, I learned to work with colours and artistic techniques in early childhood and consequently studied textile design. I have been working as a freelance artist since 2006. I'm a member of the Bundesverband Bildender Künstler (BBK) and the Gemeinschaft Deutscher und Österreichischer Künstlerinnenvereine (GEDOK). 


Exhibitions and art fairs


  • 21 solo exhibitions in Germany
  • numerous national and international group exhibitions i.a. in Athen, Bad Mergentheim, Berlin, Dessau, Halle, Leipzig, Magdeburg, Perugia, Rhodos
  • participation in 10 internationale art fairs i.a. in Amsterdam, Bremen, Insbruck, Lucca, Merseburg, Magdeburg


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© Diana Höding